The trees on your property bring environmental benefits, shade, and beauty, but they can also turn into potential hazards if you don’t maintain them properly. Doing an assessment of tree health early in the new year is an effective way to identify problems and issues early enough to resolve them before they get too serious. Use this checklist to evaluate the trees on your property so they stay vital and vigorous all year long.
Inspect the Overall Appearance of Each Tree
Inspect the canopy, shape, and size of each tree in your yard for vibrant growth, dense foliage, and balance. Even during winter, deciduous trees might feature well-formed buds, and evergreen trees need lush, green needles. An uneven canopy might indicate pest damage or disease. All healthy trees should demonstrate consistent growth each year, and you can measure this between bud scars or identifying new branch extensions.
Examine the Bark and Trunk
Splits, cracks, peeling bark, and deep fissures can be warning signs of internal decay or structural weakness, whereas cankers can happen from bacterial or fungal infections. Healthy bark is intact and firm; missing or loose bark can be indicative of trouble.
Look at the Soil and Roots
For all their majestic height and spread above ground, tree health starts underneath. Look for exposed roots indicating instability or erosion, fungal growth in the form of fungi or mushrooms indicating root decay, or compacted soil that weakens a tree by minimizing nutrients and moisture.
Check for Diseases and Pests
Diseases and pests can compromise the health of a tree quickly when left unattended, and winter is an effective time to spot dormant infestations. Sawdust and boreholes might be evidence of beetles, and webbing or egg masses might be warning signs of tent caterpillars and gypsy moths. Sap oozing and discolored needles or leaves can respectively indicate fungal infections or mildew and blight.
Prune Properly for Growth
Once your assessments are all done, be proactive in maintaining tree health. Winter is a prime opportunity for pruning when trees are in dormant states and less likely to be stressed. Removing diseased, damaged, or dead branches enables healthy spring growth, and you can shape a tree in ways that improve aesthetic appeal and structural integrity. Sharp, clean tools prevent disease spread during pruning.
Professionals Can Help
Tree care professionals can help you fix issues when you identify them, but you can also hire them to do the assessment for you. They know the warning signs, including leaning trunks, large cracks, and extensive pest infestations. Following this checklist to start the year enhances the safety and beauty of your property to protect your landscape investment. If you live in the Wilmington, NC area and need tree removal services, reach out to A+ Tree & Landscaping.